4 Tips Before You Start Teeth Whitening

4 Tips Before You Start Teeth Whitening

When it comes to feeling confident about your smile, having white and healthy teeth makes a big difference. Teeth whitening can be a great option, whether you choose professional treatment or an at-home kit. Before you begin, it’s important to be aware of a few...
Why Did My Dentist Recommend I Visit Every Four Months?

Why Did My Dentist Recommend I Visit Every Four Months?

People are generally advised to visit the dentist every six months for a bi-annual cleaning and exam. Nonetheless, your dentist may advise you to visit every four months. Although this may appear to be a cause for concern, there are various reasons why you may need to...
3 Common Fixes for Sensitive Teeth During Cold Weather

3 Common Fixes for Sensitive Teeth During Cold Weather

Dentists typically detect an increase in patients complaining of sensitive teeth during the colder months. Some dentists may even go so far as to simulate cold environments using cold blasts of air to evaluate how sensitive your teeth are to cold temperatures. ...
Starting The New Year Right With Proper Dental Care

Starting The New Year Right With Proper Dental Care

Implementing good practices for healthy teeth is not difficult, but it does require setting aside some intentional time each day. Good dental hygiene is an essential component of overall wellness. As we enter the new year, our dentists at Midtown Smiles Dental Care...