Causes and Treatment for Sensitive Teeth

Causes and Treatment for Sensitive Teeth

Are you familiar with the discomfort that arises when you indulge in hot or cold foods and beverages? You’re not alone in experiencing this sensation. Tooth sensitivity, also known as dentin hypersensitivity, is a common dental issue that can lead to discomfort...
5 ways to prevent tooth loss as you age

5 ways to prevent tooth loss as you age

Tooth loss and the need for dentures were inevitable side effects of aging. But in today’s society, more and more people are keeping their natural teeth thanks to advances in dentistry and an increased emphasis on oral health. Growing old does not mean you need to...
4 Types Of Dental Emergencies You Must Not Ignore

4 Types Of Dental Emergencies You Must Not Ignore

When you’re experiencing dental pain, it’s easy for any discomfort to feel like an emergency. However, a dental emergency refers to a situation involving unexpected severe pain, discomfort, or trauma to the mouth.Neglecting a serious dental issue is never...
4 Tips Before You Start Teeth Whitening

4 Tips Before You Start Teeth Whitening

When it comes to feeling confident about your smile, having white and healthy teeth makes a big difference. Teeth whitening can be a great option, whether you choose professional treatment or an at-home kit. Before you begin, it’s important to be aware of a few...